『世論調査の真実』 追加の文献・図表・注など
<1刷> 67頁・本文3行目:(誤)投票率 → (正)得票率
<1刷> 27頁・本文10行目:(誤)終値 → (正)始値
data save.poll ; |
nofs = 7920 ; |
size =
2500 ; |
call streaminit( 19570527 ) ; |
do survey
= 1 to nofs ; |
i = 1 to size ; |
= rand( "uniform" ) ; |
= ceil( u * 100000000 ) ; |
; |
; |
end ; |
keep x
survey ; |
stop ; |
run ; |
「100人に聞いてみた! 若い世代の“本音”は・・・」
【第1章 】
General MacArthur. |
Well, the German problem is a completely and entirely different one from the Japanese problem. The German people were a mature race. If the Anglo-Saxon was say 45 years of age in his development, in the sciences, the arts, divinity, culture, the Germans were quite as mature. |
The Japanese, however, in spite of their antiquity measured by time, were in a very tuitionary condition. Measured by the standards of modern civilization, they would be like a boy of 12 as compared with our development of 45 years. |
Like any tuitionary period, they were susceptible to following new models, new ideas. You can implant basic concepts there. They were still close enough to origin to be elastic and acceptable to new concepts. |
The German was quite as mature as we ware. Whatever the German did in dereliction of the standards of modern morality, the international standards, he did deliberately. |
He didn't do it because of a lack of knowledge of the world. He didn't do it because he stumbled into it to some extent as the Japanese did. He did it as a considered policy in which he believed in his own military might, in which he believed that its application would be a short cut to the power and economic domination that he desired. |
Now you are not going to change the German nature. He will come back to the path that he believes is correct by the pressure of public opinion, by the pressure of world philosophies, by his own interests and many other reasons, and he, in my belief, will develop his own Germanic tribe along the lines that he himself believes in which do not in many basic ways differ from our own. |
But the Japanese were entirely different. There is no similarity. One of the great mistakes that was made was to try to apply the same policies which were so successful in Japan to Germany, where they were not quite so successful to say the least. |
They were working on a different level. |
General of the Army Douglas MacArthur’s Statement concerning Demonstrations and disorders by Mass Mobs |
May 20, 1946 |
I find it necessary to caution the Japanese people that the growing tendency of towards mass violence and physical processes of intimidation, under organized leadership, present a grave menace to the future development of Japan. While every possible national freedom of democratic method has been permitted and will be permitted in the evolution now proceeding in the transformation from a feudalistic and military state to one of democratic process, the physical violence which indisciplined elements are now beginning to practice will not be permitted to continue. They constitute a menace not only to orderly government but to the basic purpose and security of the occupation itself. If minor elements of Japanese society are unable to exercise such self restraint and self respect as the situation and conditions require, I shall be forced to take the necessary steps to control and remedy such a deplorable situation, I am sure the grate mass of the people condemn such excesses by disorderly minorities, and it is my sincere hope that the sane views of this predominate public opinion will exert sufficient influence to make it unnecessary to intervene. |
暴徒化した大衆によるデモと無秩序に対するマッカーサー司令官の声明 |
1946年5月20日 |
日本の人々に警告する必要がある。集団的暴力や物理的手段で威嚇する傾向が、組織的指導のもとで強まっていることは、将来の日本の発展にとって重大な脅威となる。民主的方法による国民の自由は可能な限り認めてきたし、今後も認められるだろうが、それは今進めている、封建・軍事国家から民主国家への転換においてである。物理的暴力は規律を乱す要素であり、それが実践されることは今後とも許されるものではない。行政秩序のみならず、占領の基本的目的と安全そのものに対する脅威となる。日本社会の少数派が、状況や条件の求めに応じた自制心と自尊心を働かせることができないのであれば、この悲しむべき状況を制御・是正するために必要な措置をとらざるを得ない。大多数の人々は、無秩序な少数派によるこのような行き過ぎた行為を非難していると確信している。そして、私の心からの願いは、この良識ある支配的世論が十分な影響力を発揮して、介入を不要にすることである。 |
<朝日> |
暴民デモ許さず |
マ元帥、聲明書を發表 |
<読売> |
團體的暴力を認めず |
マ元帥 大衆デモに警告 |
<毎日> |
騒擾デモは許さず |
必要な措置を考慮 |
マ元帥聲明 |
“警告”を“禁止”扱ひ |
内閣審議室のデモ輿論調査 |
廿日発表されたデモに関するマッカーサー元帥の聲明は、デモが集団暴行やどうかつ行爲にはしる傾向に對し警告を與へたものであるが、それを勘ちがひしてマッカーサー元帥がデモ禁止を命令したかのやうなうはさがみだれとんでゐる折柄、内務省五階にある内閣審議室輿論調査班では廿日全国各新聞に對し次の通り輿論調査のハガキを発送した |
“五月廿日のマ元帥の「デモ許さずの発表」につきまして御地の反響、輿論を御紹介いただければ幸甚に存じます、デモ許さず賛成意見、デモ許さず反對意見その他の意見” |
右に関し當の調査票を出し輿論調査班事務官吉原一眞事務官は記者の質問に對し次の如く弁解してゐる |
将来この班がやる輿論調査のテストとして私個人が適當な調査對象がないので新聞社宛に出したもので、正式に調査班の仕事としてやったものではない、何通出したら何通返事があるだらうと手近からデモ問題をとりあげて見たまでだ、私個人の住所を書くよりは調査班の肩書をつかった方が回答の率が高いと思って調査班の名前をつかった |
拝啓 御社の御発展を 上げます |
五月廿日のマ元帥の「デモゆるさず」の發表につきまして |
御地の反響・輿論を御紹介下されば幸甚に存じます |
( デモゆるさず賛成意見 |
( デモゆるさず反対意見 |
( その他の意見 |
簡単でよろしゅうございますから恐縮ですがお願ひします |
東京都麹町区有楽町二 |
朝日新聞社 |
編輯局長 殿 |
東京都麹町区霞ケ関 |
内閣審議室輿論調査班 |
吉原一眞 |
Conference: Mr. Ukai of the Public Opinion Survey Section of the Cabinet, with Lt. Col. Nugent, Major Palzel, Lt. Harrison and Nisei interpreter. |
Place: Room 410, Radio Tokyo Building |
Time: 2 P. M. 4 June 1946 |
In the 1 Jun issue of the newspaper YOMIURI there is an article concerning a public opinion survey by the Cabinet Public Opinion Survey Section. I understand from General Dyke that the General had instructed the Cabinet Public Opinion Survey Section to conduct no surveys whatever until the plan recently submitted was considered and passed upon. Furthermore, in the news paper article it appears that the Survey asks the opinion of the respondents concerning their approval or objective to something which has been forbidden by the Supreme Commander. Mr. Ukai, is that the wording that appeared on the post cards? (showing him the paper) |
That is the correct statement, and this is the work of Mr. Yoshihara. He didn’t conduct the survey exactly as a public opinion survey. |
If it was conducted in the same spirit as the others, it might not have been called a public opinion survey but it was put in front of the public in that light. |
In other words, regardless of whether this was a test survey or real survey, it is a survey by the Cabinet Public Opinion Survey Section, an agency of the Japanese Government. Is it right? |
This survey was conducted by Mr. Yoshihara. |
Nevertheless, the newspaper states that it was by an official of the Cabinet’s public opinion survey section, was it not? |
Since it was difficult to get the opinions of the respondents personally (that is to use his own name) the respondents sent in the replies to the address of the Cabinet Public Opinion Survey Room. |
Nevertheless, as far as the public is concerned, this was a government public opinion survey, was it not? |
That would be the impression gained by the public by the way it is written. |
In other words, the Japanese Government is asking the people of Japan whether they approve a statement made by General MacArthur. Is that right? |
That is not my impression. I do not know the story very well, because it was conducted by the head of my section and Mr. Yoshihara. But the way I understand it, somebody in SCAP asked the Cabinet for their opinion of General MacArthur’s statement. I understand that we were asked to conduct this survey very quietly. |
By whom? |
Since I am not in any way connected, I do not know who asked to have the survey conducted. |
Did Mr. Yoshihara know? Is Mr. Yoshihara the one who conducted the survey? By who’s order? |
He received the order from Mr. Tsukahara. |
Dose Mr. Tsukahara say that he was asked by somebody in SCAP to quietly conduct such a survey? |
It was requested by somebody in SCAP who asked somebody in the Cabinet (the Prime Minister or some official in the Cabinet) to find out about the people’s reactions. Therefore, some official in the Cabinet asked the Public Opinion Section to find out about it. |
Does he mean the new Cabinet? |
Yes. |
Is it considered a quite way of finding out to put it in the newspaper and send out post cards? |
The YOMIURI is the only paper who published it. |
Who told YOMIURI about this story? |
Mr. Yoshihara sent post cards out to the editors of each of the newspapers and therefore one of the post cards went to the YOMIURI and they took it up from there. |
Major Pelzel: You made not attempt to stop YOMIURI from publishing it? |
I don’t know the whole story. That is between the YOMIURI and Mr. Tsukahara. |
(Major Pelzel left to locate Mr. Yoshihara) |
I do not know the small details. I am in charge, more or less of the office work of this Section. |
Col. Nugent: If they were attempting to conduct this survey quietly, it is very strange indeed that Mr. Yoshihara gave an interview to the reporter, which is described in the last paragraph of that newspaper article. |
Mr. Tsukahara fully realized that it would be wrong to have this type of thing in the newspaper, but it would have been difficult to stop Its being put it. |
It would not have been difficult to have not given an interview. We will wait and see if we can get Mr. Yoshihara over here from the Liaison Office. I am very much interested to know who in SCAP requested the Japanese Cabinet to conduct a public opinion survey. |
Mr. Yoshihara is at the Home Affairs Building. |
Do I understand that these post cards went out only to newspapers? |
That is what I understand, but I am not sure. |
Do you know to haw many newspapers they were sent? Were they sent to only Tokyo newspapers or to all newspapers in Japan? |
To all newspapers. |
How was this survey to be a test for further public opinions? Ordinarily post cards would be sent to private individuals. Now for s test of such a system, they would have to send post cards to private individuals. This was a test of how many newspapers would respond – not a test of how many private individuals would respond. |
These cards were sent to the editors of newspapers. |
Then it is not a test of public opinion, but a test of newspaper editor’s opinion. Is it right? |
This was not considered as a public opinion survey, but a survey of the opinions of the editors and people who know what is going on. |
What does it mean when it says: “Since private individuals were not deemed suitable as subjects to be surveyed, questionnaires were sent to the newspapers” |
Since they didn’t have an adequate sample of people to send it to, they sent it to the newspapers. According to my impression, they must set up samples. |
It is not an official work of the Public Opinion Survey. But yet the Public Opinion Survey Section allowed its name to be used on the post cards? |
Yes. |
(Major Pelzel returned with the information that Mr. Yoshihara was likewise out of his office and was not expected back this afternoon) |
Mr. Ukai doesn’t have the full information. I want to find out who gave the order; why it was done by an individual using the name of the Public Opinion Survey Section; and if the request was not made by someone in authority in this Headquarters, by what right did the Cabinet Public Opinion Survey Section, or any other individuals dare to question any Japanese newspaper or any other individuals concerning a statement made by General MacArthur. We would like to see Mr. Tsukahara tomorrow afternoon. And when Mr. Tsukahara comes, I want him prepared to give us the name of the person in this Headquarters who requested this survey and of whom he requested it in the Japanese Government. |
Until Wednesday, at 2 P. M. |
GHQ:連合国最高司令官総司令部(General Headquarters, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers)
CIE:民間情報教育局(Civil Information & Education Section)
POSR(Public Opinion and Sociological Research)
NBC(National Broadcasting Company)
Y&R(Young & Rubicam)
PSD(Program Service Division)
ISR(Institute for Social Research)
ダイク(Kenneth Reed Dyke) 1899 - 1980
ニュージェント(Donald Ross Nugent)1903 ? 1983
ホール(Robert King Hall)1912 - 1981
リッカート(Rensis Likert) 1903/8/5 - 1981/9/3
ペルゼル(John Campbell Pelzel)1914/7/25 - 1999/10/18
パッシン(Herbert Passin) 1916/12/16 - 2003/2/26
ベネット(John W. Bennett) 1915/7/18 - 2005/2/1
【第5章 】
出所:W. Joseph Campbell (2020). Lost in a Gallup: Polling Failure in U.S. Presidential Elections. University of California Press.
1916年.大統領選.全国の読者が対象.葉書郵送法. |
1920年.大統領選.電話番号簿から1,100万人を抽出. |
1922年.10,108,437人の電話使用者に.約80万人回答 |
1924年.1,500万人の自動車・電話.減税法. |
1928年.大統領選.1,800万人.フーヴァー当選を的中. |
1930年.2,000万人の自動車所有者と電話加入者.約500万人回答 |
1932年.大統領選.2,000万人.ルーズベルト当選を予想. |
1936年.大統領選.「ダイジェストの調査は百万人の聖典である」(社説).自動車・電話1,000万人.2,376,523回答. |
1936年7月19日のthe New York Timesに、ギャラップが出したニュースリリースが記事になっているので、引用する。
Dr. George Gallup, director of the American Institute of Public Opinion, which recently has discovered indications of a voter’s trend away from President Roosevelt, was taken to task yesterday by Wilfred J. Funk, editor of The Literary Digest. |
In an open letter Mr. Funk, writing as editor of a publication which has conducted a number of polls on Presidential campaigns, objected to what he considered “a gratuitous statement” by Dr. Gallup. The statement said that, “if The Literary Digest were conducting a poll at the present time * * * the actual figures would be in the neighborhood of 44 per cent for Roosevelt and 56 per cent for Landon.” |
“I am beginning to wish,” Mr. Funk wrote, “that the esteemed Dr. Gallup would confine his political crystal-gazing to the offices of the American Institute of Public Opinion and leave our Literary Digest and its figures politely and completely alone.” |
“We’ve been through many poll battles,” Mr. Funk added. “We’ve been buffeted by the gales of claims and counter-claims. But never before has any one foretold what our poll was going to show before it was even started.” |
Dr. Gallup’s article, Mr. Funk said, declared that an “accurate” and “scientific” poll should divide the voters into three classes, the rich, two-tenths. The Literary Digest, Mr. Funk said, has never “rich men, poor men, G-men, racketeers and candlestick makers” voted in a given election. Income tax returns have indicated, however, he declared, that less than 10 per cent of the 39,000,000 voters in the 1932 election made $1,000 a year. |
本書を読んで下さった小野裕亮氏(SAS Institute Japan株式会社 JMPジャパン事業部)から、さっそく連絡を頂いた。ギャラップが各紙にリリースした1936年7月の記事に関して調査して下さった。
杉野勇(2005).1936年大統領選の実際―Literary DigestとGallup再訪―.「相関社会科学」第15号.東京大学大学院総合文化研究科国際社会科学専攻.
下記に小野氏が書いているように、ギャラップは各紙にリリース原稿を送り、各紙の判断で紙面に掲載されたのである。ギャラップが各紙にリリースを送った話は、Converse(1987) で知ったのだが、同書を鈴木に教えてくれたのは、小林和夫氏(故人)で、約20年前、鈴木が「1936年の米大統領選予測がおかしい」と騒いで、西平重喜氏や小林氏に疑問を呈していた頃である
■ 小野裕亮氏からの報告(2021年9月17日) ■ 『世論調査の真実』p.185における ギャラップが寄稿した1936年7月12日記事について興味を持ち,少し調べてみました.以下に調べた結果を申し上げます. 会員制有料サイトですが,米国の新聞記事アーカイブサイトである Newspapers.com にて,1936年7月12日の記事を見ることができます.いくつかの新聞に転載されていますが,例えば 以下URLのThe Los Angeles Times 12面に同寄稿記事は掲載されています. [URL] https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/380554598/ (注:閲覧のためには,有料サブスクライブする必要があります.) この The Los Angeles Times 12面では,大見出しを”July Poll of Nation Shows Landon Has Electoral Vote Lead”としています.ややこしいのですが,この1936年7月12日段階では,GallupのInstitute of Public Opinion(以下,IPO)では,支持率(sentiment)では Roosevelt が上回っているものの,獲得選挙人は Landon が上回っていると推定しています. この12面にて,IPO名義で”RACE WILL BE CLOSEST SINCE 1916 ELECTION”というタイトルの記事が掲載されています.なお,新聞記事のタイトルは,執筆者や寄稿者ではなく,新聞社が決めているようです.新聞によってタイトルは違います.また,紙面の都合上,一部をカットしている新聞もあります. 以下,同記事について,正確な訳ではなく,大まかな要約をいたします. 同記事では,まず,1936年の大統領選は接戦であり,そのため各機関で選挙調査の予想が異なっているとしています.そして,<もしも仮に Literary Digest がいつもと同じ手順に従い,現在,その調査を実施したならば,Landon がリードするだろう.その数値は,Roosevelt が44%で,Landon が56%ぐらいだろう>と述べています. そのあと,<Digest がカバーしているのと同じリスト(the same lists covered by the Literary Digest)に調査票(ballot)の一部をIPOは送付したので,[もしDigestがいま調査を行なったら]Digestが見出すであろう支持率を,高い精度で予測することができる>と述べています. そして,<そのリストは,電話加入者,自動車所有者,投票登録者で構成されている>と説明しています.このあと,該当のリストには経済的水準が高い人が多く含まれており,かつ,経済的水準の高い人の回答率が高いことに触れ,<もしも,投票人口の下位1/3 が完全に調査された(be fully represented)ならば,Roosevelt の割合は 44%から 52%になる>と推定しています.つまり,IPOは郵送法の回収率が低い貧困層も追加で調査したと思われます. 続けて,Digest と IPO との違いは,<Digest は配布する調査票数によって信頼性を担保しているのに対し,IPO は調べる横断面(cross-section)の特徴によって信頼性を担保している点>と述べ.また,Digest は郵送だけで調査票を送付しているのに対し,IPO は郵送だけでなく,個人的な調査員によっても送付しており,郵送法だけでは回答しない人からも回答が得られている,としています. 仮想例として 1000名の投票者がいる町で,200名の投票者が西側の裕福な地区,600名の中間的な地位の投票者が中心街,200名が貧困街に住んでいたとしたら,という例を挙げています,Digest は,それら1000名に調査票を郵送して,中間層と裕福層からより多くの回答を早く受け取るのに対し,IPO は回答数の比が200: 600: 200になるように,郵送調査だけではなく,調査員調査も行うと利点を強調します. 最後に,<前回4回の大統領選挙では,経済階級による違いが現在ほどなく,経済的階級が低い人々は投票するインセンティブがなく,また,大差の勝利であったため小さな誤差が問題にならなかった>ことを指摘しています. 以下,個人的な感想です. @この記事は 1936年7月12日のものであるが,大統領選は11月なので,この時点で11月選挙の勝者を当てたとしても,Gallup の予測精度がいいことを意味しないだろう.しかも,Gallup は1936年7月の段階では,選挙では Landon の方が優勢と予想していた. Aこの話から汲み取れる教訓は,<無作為抽出の大切さ>ではなく,せいぜい,<無回答率を下げるのには混合方式(mixed mode)がいいかもしれないこと>ぐらいであろう. Bこのとき,Gallup が持っていた標本抽出枠は,Literary Digest のものとは同じではなく,あくまで,真似て作ったものだろう. C 1936年7月には Literary Digest は調査を実施・発表していないので,同記事のGallupによる想像が正しいかどうかは誰も分からない. 都市伝説の “3000” という数値がいつから始まったのかは分かりませんが,Gallup は1938年10月14日 Tampa Bay Times 28面で,3000 あれば正確な結果が出ると宣伝しています.また,1948年10月8日 The Pittsburgh Press 27面にて,「どうして私はこれまで調査されていないのだ? また,調査された人を知らないぞ」という仮想の疑問に対して,(仮想の数値例として)3000人しか調査していなかったとしたらどれぐらいの確率で調査対象に選ばれるかを計算しています.さらに,孫引きですが,Converse (1987, 2009: e-Book edition p.121) によると,1936年 秋にある雑誌(Scribner’s Magazine)にて,<商業調査の多くの分野においては,3,000-4000ぐらいの全国標本で完全に十分である>と述べているそうです. なお,Converse (1987, 2009: e-Book edition p.121)によると,Literary Digest は,1934-35年において,深刻な財政問題のために,郵送法の標本を半分に(2千万から1千万に)減らしたとのことです. Gallup は1935-1936年以降は主戦場および収入源が新聞だったようで,かなり多くの解説記事を寄稿しているようです.あまりにも多くて,私はよく追えていません. 参考文献:Converse, J. M. (1987) Survey Research in the United States: Roots and Emergence 1890-1960, The University of California Press. |
東京朝日新聞、1936年(昭和11年)10月26日で、大統領選挙の情勢を報道している。米國輿論調査局と訳されているのは,American Institute of Public Opinion ( AIPO ) という現在のギャラップ社である.
なお、1936年の選挙結果の得票数も詳しく見ると、あいまいな部分がある。米大統領選に関して信頼できる資料は,“Congressional Quarterly's guide to U.S. elections” であるが,この1976年版と1994年版を比較すると,図表に示すように各候補者の得票数が変わっているのである.もっとも勝者が入れ替わるような違いではない.
出所:Congressional Quarterly's guide to U.S. elections
【第6章 】